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Hennepin County Design System


Content is the words, images, audio, and video on websites and in applications. Content gives users information or guides them in completing a task. 

All content on county websites and in applications should:

  • Be accessible
  • Support a user goal or business need
  • Reflect the county brand

The Content section focuses on text, documents, and links. 

Charts, graphs, and infographics are covered in the Design section.

Content elements of video are covered in Writing for accessibility.

For digital writing help, complete a request form (must have network access).

Prioritizing county-generated content 

We should prioritize content that the county produces over content from other organizations. People come to our sites and applications for information specific to the county.  

If you link to content from other organizations, choose organizations we have a relationship with:

  • Contracted providers
  • Trusted partners
  • Other government organizations

For example:

  • It's acceptable to link to a flyer for a job fair that a contracted provider created.
  • It's not acceptable to link to a list of housing websites with no direct connection to county housing services.

Reviewing your content for quality

  • Reviewing content in preview catches errors before they become public. It also ensures the quality of the content.
  • Content creators should review all content before publishing. 

Duplicate content

Having one place for each piece of content lowers the chance of forgetting to update it in a second spot. This benefits us and the people who rely on our content.


People with limited English proficiency need vital information in their own language. This allows them to use essential county programs and services.

For translated content to be published on a county website or application:

  • A person skilled in translation must be the person who either translates the content or reviews it for accuracy. At minimum this person should be proficient in both languages.
  • The source material should be written at no higher than an 8th grade reading level or the reading level required by your service area.
  • All versions of digital content should be updated at the same time: the English and the translated version.
  • Do not use Google translate or any automated translation service. Automation can mistranslate information. That can have a serious impact on someone’s understanding and use of county programs and services.

Entire websites or applications do not have to be translated.

For more guidance, use the county's translation style guide.


Clear copyright ensures we control our creative material. That supports our brand and protects against copyright infringement.

We must have full legal rights to all content before we publish it. Content includes text, photos, video, audio, software source code, and other creative material.

Full legal rights include all waivers, permissions, and copyrights.