Calendar and registration
Hennepin County foster care training calendar (PDF, 1MB)
You must register for all trainings:
- Email and write “Training Registration” in the subject line
- Provide the name of your Hennepin County Foster Care Licensing Worker in the body of the email
- Provide the complete name of the training(s) you want to register for
Training requirements
Foster care training requirements depend on the stage of licensure — initial, first year, or ongoing — and whether you are a relative or non-relative foster care provider. Find the requirements that apply to you below. If you have questions, consult your licensor.
All training must be completed before your relicensing or annual review due date. It is recommended that you start taking training right after your annual/relicensing review is completed each year.
Record your training on the Foster care provider record of training (PDF, 1MB).
Initial license training requirements
- Nuts & Bolts: Foster Care the Hennepin Way
- Introduction to Children’s Mental Health
- Prudent Parenting
- Mandated Reporter
- Children and Restraint Systems (C.A.R.S.) – if fostering children under 8 years old
- Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID)/Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) – if fostering children under 6 years old
- Nuts & Bolts: Foster Care the Hennepin Way
- Introduction to Children’s Mental Health
- Prudent Parenting
- Cultural Competency in Parenting (Must request a Foster Parent College account.)
- Discipline in Foster Care
- Developmental Impact of Trauma
- Introduction to LGBTQ+ Inclusion
- Mandated Reporter
- Children and Restraint Systems (C.A.R.S.) – if fostering children under 8 years old
- Sudden Unexplained Infant Death (SUID)/Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) – if fostering children under 6 years old
First year after initial license training requirements
- Nuts & Bolts: Foster Care the Hennepin Way (if not completed at initial license)
- Foster Parent Guide test
- Cultural Competency in Parenting (Must request a Foster Parent College account.)
- Discipline in Foster Care
- Developmental Impact of Trauma
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- 1 hour of Mental Health training from options on the training calendar
- Introduction to LGBTQ+ Inclusion
- Best Practices for serving LGBTQ+ Youth
- Mandated Reporter
- Foster Parent Guide test
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- 1 hour of Mental Health training from options on the training calendar
- Child protection and foster care court system
- Best Practices for serving LGBTQ+ Youth
- Mandated Reporter
- 1 hour minimum from in-person list on the training calendar
Ongoing training requirements - after the first year
For relatives and non-relatives
12 training hours minimum required each year
- 5 hours minimum from the In-Person training options listed on Hennepin County’s foster care training calendar
- 1 hour of Mental Health training must be completed every year
- 1 hour of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder training must be completed every year
- Mandated Reporter training must be completed every year
- Vulnerable Adult Mandated Training - must be completed prior to a foster youth turning 18
You may count up to six hours combined from the following categories:
- Up to three hours of relevant reading or videos of your choice, related to the needs of foster children
- Up to three hours individual training such as special staffings or meetings about a child in your care
- Up to six hours from the online video options listed on Hennepin County’s foster care training calendar