Hennepin County is proud to be the collaborative applicant on behalf of the Hennepin Continuum of Care. In this capacity, our responsibilities include:
- Preparing and submitting an annual collaborative application to HUD
- Submitting the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR), Housing Inventory Count (HIC), Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, and System Performance Measurement (SPM) data
- Convening and providing staff support as needed for CoC boards and committees
The Hennepin CoC boards and committees contribute to the governance structure of the Hennepin CoC. The Executive Committee is the lead decision-making body. Several active and engaged CoC committees, subcommittees, and working groups in Hennepin County contribute to and lead efforts to prevent and end homelessness.
Read the full description of the CoC governance structure (DOCX).
Continuum of Care governance committees
Heading Home Hennepin Executive committee
- Act as champions for efforts to prevent and end homelessness, as evidenced through public advocacy, funding and external communications.
- Provide an enduring forum for broad-based, collaborative and strategic leadership on homelessness in Hennepin County
Upcoming meetings:
Wednesday, April 30 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
- Join meeting via Microsoft Teams
Meeting ID: 251 361 069 850; Passcode: na9ME6o7
Join by phone: +1 612-263-6117,,192672090#
Previous meetings:
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Friday, September 27, 2024
Thursday June 20, 2024
Wednesday March 27, 2024
Previous meeting recordings
- December2024 meeting recording (YouTube)
- September 2023 meeting recording (YouTube)
- June 2023 meeting recording (YouTube)
- March 2023 meeting recording (YouTube)
- November 2022 meeting recording (YouTube)
- August 2022 meeting recording (YouTube)
- May 2022 meeting recording (YouTube)
- April 2022 meeting recording (YouTube)
Email David at david.hewitt@hennepin.us.
HUD McKinney Vento CoC funding committee
- Monitors and evaluates performance of all projects funded by Continuum of Care, per HUD guidance
- Solicits new project applications (if new funds are available), and recommends the ranking of current projects submitted annually — HUD makes final funding allocations based on a competitive national application score and process, based on how our CoC is moving the gauge on HUD System Performance measures
- First Monday of the month, 1–2:30 p.m.
- Attend virtually through Microsoft Teams
Email Laura at laura.derosier@hennepin.us.
Homeless prevention and rapid rehousing advisory committee
This committee helps the county develop and oversee homeless prevention and rapid rehousing services.
- Third Tuesday of the month, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Meetings held virtually
Hennepin coordinated entry leadership committee
- Informs policy and procedure development and revisions for the family Coordinated Entry System
- Provides guidance to help ensure consistent application of CES policies and procedures
- First Tuesday of the month, 10 - 12 p.m.
- Attend virtually through Microsoft Teams
Email Susannah at susannah.king@hennepin.us or Cassie at cassiek@cornerstonemn.org.
Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG)
- A committee of community members, that draw from their own lived experiences to be voices for those that otherwise go unheard
- Work with government officials and grant administers to influence how money is spent and decisions are made
- Partner with neighbors and community members to educate and advocate for a better future where homelessness no longer exists in our community.
Now accepting applications
Hennepin County LEAG is currently accepting applications for new members.
Application period: February 17 – March 7, 2025.
Application: Lived Experience Advisory Group Application
Applications can be sent to endhomelessness@hennepin.us.
We welcome applicants from all walks of life who are ready to contribute their experiences and ideas to help create a better, fairer future for everyone.
- Second Monday of the month, 3:00–4:30 p.m.
- Meeting held virtually
Email Eric at eric.richert@hennepin.us