The Hennepin County Adult Corrections Facility appreciates your assistance and cooperation while your employee is a participant on the work study release program.
Contacting the Adult Corrections Facility
Employers are encouraged to contact the work release or home monitoring office to ask questions or speak with a correctional officer.
Work release
Home monitoring
- 612-596-0132
- Monday through Friday: 8–11 p.m.
- Saturday and Sunday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Work study release participants may be released for work, school, or treatment programming as soon as their schedule is verified. Your employee must remain at the verified/approved work site. He/she may not leave the work site without authorization from Adult Corrections Facility personnel (exception: approved lunch break and client’s own medical emergency).
All participants whose job requires them to travel or change job sites on a daily basis are required to call voice mail for all sites they go to (612-596-0160). Your employee may not travel beyond a 50-mile radius of Plymouth or leave the State of Minnesota.
Please notify Work Release or Home Monitoring if your employee:
- Does not report for work
- Is laid off, suspended, terminated, or quits his/her job
- Shows up late or leaves early for any reason
- Calls in sick
- Leaves his/her job site due to any injury or medical need
- Is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Payroll / check stub
Please provide a payroll check stub or statement of earnings to your employee.
All work study release or home monitoring participants may work a maximum of 60 hours per week (Sunday-Saturday). Overtime requests and schedule changes should be on company letterhead stationery and delivered to work release home monitoring 24 hours in advance of the requested time. Overtime requests and schedule changes may be faxed to 612-321-3802.
If you call work release or home monitoring before the end of the shift, officers may authorize requests for the current day. Your employee will be held accountable for furnishing proper documentation for all schedule changes and overtime.
Lunch break
Your employee is approved for up to one hour lunch break during normal lunch times. Employees are required to have someone on the job site know their whereabouts. Employees may notify work release home monitoring by voice mail if necessary at 612-596-0160.
Job verifications conducted at the work site
Department of Community Corrections and Rehabilitation personnel will make random unannounced visits to the employee’s job site to help maintain accountability of clients in the community. To help identify them, all Hennepin County employees carry proper identification.
Frequent random visits ensure that participants are in compliance with work study release program rules and conditions of their sentence. Random job verifications are also a great time for employers to provide input. Your cooperation and input is greatly appreciated.