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Business District Initiative

To maximize the potential of main streets and commercial nodes

Local main streets and commercial centers create jobs, generate tax revenue, and make places for communities to come together. Suburban cities across the county rely on their unique business districts but can face challenges unlocking their full potential. The Business District Initiative offers suburban cities resources to help turn their valued town centers into vibrant destinations.

To-date, Hennepin County has invested in 18 Business District Initiative projects in 13 cities, with over $640,000 invested.

Who can apply

Suburban Hennepin County cities and development authorities

Types of projects

  • Business recruitment strategies
  • District-wide marketing
  • Branding or wayfinding
  • Technical assistance across business district
  • Financial or legal services
  • Streetscape and façade improvements
  • Feasibility or predevelopment planning for business incubators

How to apply

Applications for 2023 are now closed. Program guidelines for the 2024 funding round will be available in August. 

A request for applications will be available in the Hennepin County Supplier Portal on September 5.  Applications will close on October 1 for the 2024 funding round.


A combined total of $200,000 is typically available between the Business District Initiative and Hennepin Planning Grants

Related links and materials

Get in touch

Ryan Kelley