Plastic bottles, jugs, cups, containers and packaging

Recommended disposal options


Plastic bottles, jugs, cups and containers can be recycled in your recycling program at home.

Plastics that you can recycle curbside include:

  • Bottles and jugs
    • Water, soda and juice bottles
    • Milk and juice jugs
    • Ketchup and salad dressing bottles
    • Dishwashing liquid bottles and laundry detergent jugs
    • Shampoo, soap, and lotion bottles
  • Cups and containers
    • Yogurt, pudding and fruit cups
    • Clear disposable cups and bowls
    • Margarine, cottage cheese and other containers
    • Produce, deli, and take-out containers

Empty and rinse containers. Leave caps and tops on bottles, jugs and containers.

Don’t recycle: Styrofoam, plastic wrap, microwaveable food trays, containers that held hazardous materials
Other disposal options

Hennepin County drop-off facilities

See restrictions and instructions below:

Drop-off facilities accept:

Plastic bottles, jugs, cups, containers and packaging


No charge

Materials preparation

Empty and rinse containers. Leave caps and tops on bottles, jugs and containers.

Drop-off facilities do not accept:

Styrofoam, microwaveable food trays, black plastic, containers that held hazardous materials

Numbers on plastics: confusing?

Yes, they are confusing. To crack the recycling code, it’s best to use the description of the materials (bottles, cups, containers), images and the numbers to determine what is recyclable.

Rethink and reduce

Is your recycling bin often overflowing by the time your pick up day comes around? Take a look in your recycling bin and consider if there are ways to reduce the amount of recycling you generate. Some ways include using reusable bottles and containers, avoiding bottled water and buying in bulk when possible.