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Our response to disparities

A proactive approach

We're focused on driving disparity reduction through policies, programs, and services, working in concert to benefit people's lives. The seven interconnected domains below help guide us in our proactive approach to making long-term impact and improving equitable outcomes.

green circle with a white map icon going from point a to point b


Connectivity, by ensuring our technology, transit and transportation systems are accessible, affordable and climate friendly.


blue circle with a white apple icon


Health, by providing access to high quality, affordable services that promote all health and well-being.


dark blue circle with a white money bag icon


Income, by helping develop an inclusive and equitable economy that gives individuals and businesses of every size the opportunity to prosper.


yellow circle with three white building icons


Housing, through opening doors to safe, stable, affordable permanent housing.


orange circle with a white job badge icon


Employment, by promoting meaningful employment opportunities that provide a living wage and comprehensive benefits.


red circle with a white graduation hat icon


Education, by supporting greater achievement and whole being outcomes for youth and families through educational success.


purple circle with a white justice scale icon


Justice, by supporting the justice system that is equitable and prioritizes individual well-being and community safety by advancing early intervention and prevention strategies.


Together, the seven domains anchor Hennepin County in driving work that will reduce disparities.

circles overlapping in one giant circle, blue health circle, green connectivity circle, yellow housing circle, orange employment circle, red education circle, purple justice circle, dark blue income circle