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Community cleanup days make spring cleaning easier

Throughout the spring, many cities in Hennepin County provide convenient opportunities to get rid of hard-to-dispose items such as old furniture, exercise equipment, appliances, electronics, and more. Some cities provide drop-off sites while others offer special pickup service.

Here are a few things you should do as you get ready for your city’s cleanup day:

  • Check the dates and guidelines for your city’s events. See Hennepin County’s list of city cleanup events. Be sure to check with your city about for specific details about what’s accepted.
  • As you are gathering your items, consider if the item is still in usable condition. If it is, search this website for reuse options. Many of the city cleanup events also have a reuse option, so be sure to ask about that as you’re getting details.
  • If your item(s) is not reusable, consider if it’s recyclable. Check the Hennepin County Green Disposal Guide for tips on recycling many items you can’t put in your curbside bin.
  • If your item isn’t right for reuse or recycling (or if it will be reused or recycled through your city’s event), make sure your item is prepared correctly.


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