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About construction

Overview and process

See an overview of types and volume of the work we do.

Download transportation overview
PDF (23 pages, 3MB)

paper icons for planning


  • System planning
  • Data collection
  • Transportation safety
  • Capital Improvement
    Program (CIP)

bridge icon for design


  • Community engagement
  • Stakeholder input
  • Multi modal designs
  • Plans and specifications

construction worker construction icon


  • Contract administration
  • Inspection/material testing
  • Construction surveys
  • Project oversight/management

operations icon


  • Administration
  • Fleet services
  • Asset management
  • Road operations
  • Traffic operations

County transportation network

Road and bridge

  • 2,200 lane miles
  • 148 bridges (does not include HCRRA bridges)

Bike and pedestrian

  • 810 bikeway miles
  • 400 sidewalk miles


  • 90 transit routes on system
  • 20 miles of transitways

How the plan was developed

The development of the climate action plan included multiple phases:

  • Phase 1: Research and assessment on climate change impacts and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Phase 2: Develop goals and strategies
  • Phase 3: Review, build support, and seek approval
  • 2021 and beyond: Seek and facilitate partnerships to accomplish the work

Staff from every line of business in the county were engaged in work teams to develop goals and strategies. A disparities reduction lens was applied to each of the brainstormed strategies.

The county’s approach to engagement began with internal coordination and commitment. It then expanded to include public entity and community group partners, and then residents and businesses more broadly.

Supporting documents

Community engagement

Key findings from the research and assessment phase