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Streets to Housing

At Hennepin County, we believe that everyone can be housed. Yet the reasons for homelessness are as variable as people are—so our solutions must be, too. That’s why a person-centered, tailored response is oftentimes the most effective way to address the many causes of homelessness and individual barriers to housing.

One of our newest programs, Streets to Housing, uses a one-to-one housing focused approach to work with single adults, youth, and families who are staying outside, in their vehicles, in encampments or in other places unfit for human habitation. The goal is to help transition them to stable housing and decrease unsheltered homelessness across the county. And so far, it’s working.

In 2023, 839 residents received street-based triage and system navigation services through the Streets to Housing program, and 51% attained permanent housing or shelter. As a result, compared to national peer communities Hennepin County has experienced one of the largest proportional decreases in unsheltered homelessness at -26.95%.

Learn more about the program in the video above and on the Help for unsheltered homelessness webpage.