During the normal course of duty, law enforcement agencies may take possession of and become responsible for the proper disposal of many wastes. Some of these wastes may be hazardous, including confiscated drugs, pharmaceuticals accepted from households, seized ammunition and other evidence that is no longer needed for criminal justice purposes. In addition, law enforcement agencies also commonly generate their own hazardous wastes, such as batteries, electronics and wastes from the maintenance of firearms and vehicles.
Hennepin County regulates the accumulation, transport and disposal of hazardous wastes in the county. During the next few months, Hennepin County will work with all law enforcement agencies in the county to license, provide guidance and ensure compliance with hazardous waste rules and requirements.
As a first step, law enforcement agencies are asked to complete the survey below to assess your department’s activities and wastes generated that may fall under hazardous waste regulations. Once you have completed the survey, a hazardous waste inspector from Hennepin County will follow up with you to discuss hazardous waste management and licensing requirements.